NLP Concepts And Methods to Achieve Workplace Excellence
Neuro-Linguistic Programming or NLP is based upon the theory that we see, feel, and react to the world around us due to our perceptions of the world. This theory further expounds upon the concept that our perceptions are molded by our value and belief systems, and our experiences, and the conclusions we draw from them.
Our brain is where we form our perceptions, but sometimes information becomes jumbled and that then jumbles our perceptions.
With NLP, one can learn to seek to balance information from our value and belief systems and experiences against the reality of the world around us, not just as we initially perceive that reality to be. If you’re experiencing difficulty in finding your purpose and joy in life, then changing your perception of life can help you achieve breakthroughs.
Jumbled perceptions also limits a person from reaching their goals of success and from forming loving relationships with others.
In this article, you will learn tips on how to leverage on Neuro-Linguistic Programming to re-program your mind, thoughts, belief and value systems so that you can enjoy success not only at the workplace but in your relationships and social life as well.
But first thing first…
Article Index:
- Why Neuro-Linguistic Programming or NLP?
- Visualization – A Fundamental Yet Important NLP Skills
- Achieve Professional Success with NLP Business Coaching
- Conclusion
Why Neuro-Linguistic Programming or NLP?
In NLP, it is believed that we human beings are not one dimensional beings, but rather that we are three dimensional beings in which our minds, bodies, and spirits work in conjunction as one. And because the three have conjoined functioning, the health of one affects the other two.
Using the various methods within NLP, you can easily learn to possess more positive perceptions which changes your behaviors. As the learning process continues, those conscious effort eventually turns into a (positive) habit.
Unlike other approaches, NLP mainly allows you to focus inward for the positive energy that reside within yourself instead of trying to change people or situations outside your control.
NLP techniques are generally easy to learn, pick up and master. Also, there are various tools in the NLP toolkit to tackle different challenges.
For example, some NLP methods focus on the sensory aspects of our perceptions. The three senses most often focused on in NLP training are sight, sound, and touch. Verbal and nonverbal communications are the focus of other methods. Want to work on your subconscious thought levels? NLP can help too!
The diverse NLP methods available makes it possible for people to live positively and experience positive thoughts from such living.
Visualization – A Fundamental Yet Important NLP Skills
Visualization is a fundamental of NLP. As with all fundamentals, you must practice, practice, practice.
Remember the time when you were so looking forward to the trip which you spent months planning? Or the time when you were so worried about your presentation to the top management?
The truth is, you’re already practicing visualization, whether you realise it or not. Therefore, since you’re already doing it, you might as well do it right and make it works for you!
Fun fact: “Your subconscious cannot tell the difference between a real memory, and a vividly imagined visualization”
Through visualization, you can “trick” your subconscious mind to “thinks” that you’re already the success you dream of being. So what the subconscious does it it will activate your Reticular Activating System (RAS) to find resources and opportunity to help you reach your goals!
Three Tips for More Effective Visualization
If visualization is something you already doing and something you must do, might as well do it with passion and without stress!
Here are our 3 tips for more effective visualization:
1. Enrich your sensory experience. The term “visualization” points directly to the visual system and can mislead us into thinking visualization is exclusively a visual ordeal. When you hallucinate, to use our NLP term, include as many sensory representations as possible. Include sounds, such as voices, environmental sounds and others. Include hallucinatory physical sensations, such as temperature, touches and others. Also include tastes and smells whenever possible. When you do so, you’ll find that your visualization will have a much more potent emotional effect on you.
2. Involve movement. When appropriate, use your physiology to express with your body what you’re visualizing. If you’re imagining yourself running, it will be more effective if you stand up and breathe strong. If you’re imagining yourself relaxing, it will be more effective if you’re lying down. Manifest in your body the emotions associated with the visualization. Sometimes, you might even vocalize when this happens. Countless times I’ve found myself letting random sounds out of my mouth to intensify the feelings.
3. Enhance detail. You must train yourself to add detail to your visualizations. You’ll achieve much stronger results when your visualizations are in greater resolution. Notice the actual color of what you’re seeing. Notice where specifically on your body you can feel the wind blow. Notice from which side of your head you can hear a train’s whistle. Not only will this enhance the emotional results of your visualization, but it will also sharpen your thinking.
To follow the farm analogy, you must sow and care today to reap the harvest tomorrow.
Achieve Professional Success with NLP Business Coaching
Neuro-Linguistic Programming training has become the stepping-stone of success for many professionals.
It is has also become an important element of business coaching courses as well due to its effectiveness in bringing about a change in attitude and performance through various techniques.
Though increasing in popularity, one still has to be careful in choosing the coach. Below are some tips on how to ensure professional success with NLP business coaching.
Be Clear of the Objectives
The first and most important thing to understand about NLP based courses is that they are of different kinds; each specialized to deal with people of a distinct job role. For instance, there are different NLP courses for sales representatives, marketing executives, supervisors, senior management, so on and so forth.
When going for NLP business coaching lessons, you should be aware of what your reasonable expectations should be and the likely outcomes you can hope to achieve.
Pick Your NLP Coach Carefully
If you are planning to enroll for one, be sure to approach and hire an expert that is specialized in the work-division that is particular to you.While any NLP business expert will be qualified enough to guide you, optimum results can be achieved with specialized assistance. Neuro- Linguistic Programming is not a course that can be conducted by an untrained, unqualified individual.
Be sure that you verify the NLP credentials of the business coach before engaging his or her coaching service.
Knows What NLP Entails
NLP lays great emphasis on improving the communicative abilities and attitude of the practitioner.
These are two aspects of human conduct that most affect their interaction with others and thus, equipped with knowledge on how to converse with clients and colleagues in the most effective manner, you can enhance your output levels and make better professional relationships.
In addition, most NLP coaching lessons focus on reforming and improving a person’s leadership skills for they determine the nature of rapport and command you have over your subordinates.
The bottom line here is that if you plan to enroll for NLP business coaching lessons, you need to be aware of some hard facts about Neuro-Linguistic Programming well in advance.
The full encyclopedia of Neuro Linguistic Programming concepts and methods fills several volumes, and new volumes are added on a regular basis as concepts and methods are found to be helpful in other areas.
Whether you have a professional interest in the subject or just a personal curiosity, it is an intriguing field to say the least. Just reading some of the plentiful materials on different concepts and methods broadens your mind and hopefully inspires you to be more open to new concepts and new ways to see and think.